Save your value on the
VRES platform now
A healthcare blockchain platform that manages your own health data and allows you to M2E(move to earn ).
VRS increase the value
VRS(Value Relationship Storage) is a platform that can store, manage, and utilize various values using blockchain technology.

There are various values in the world. Now we’re being robbed of my value.
My data should belong to me.

Various values can be utilized through the connection of relationships.
You can connect to each other and scale to your network to increase value.

Distributed storage is a really great technology. Use blockchain networks to store value transparently and securely.

P2P Platform
You can easily and quickly experience blockchain technology through the VRS P2P platform, which provides various wellness information, health data, wellness content, etc. and access to Filter NFT technology based on IPDS (decentralized distributed data system), which can solve the problem of insufficient server capacity and reduce the cost of excessive traffic on the platform and provide content to users quickly.

NFT Market
Various content data such as health data, wellness information, images, videos, etc. produced by users can be packaged as personal IP (Intellectual Property) and shared, traded, and managed as NFTs. By utilizing Filte NFT technology, it can be used and managed more safely and honestly as it is databased.

Cognitive Improvement Content
Through games, we analyzed the cognitive disability diagnosis system and causes and produced contents that help improve cognitive function.
Currently, about 24 types of casual games are available, and we are upgrading with blockchain technology.
I think you can get fun through cooperation and competition through the content called game.
Smart Care
The paradigm of medical services is changing from treatment and hospital-oriented to prevention and consumer-oriented.
Smart healthcare, which can receive health care anytime, anywhere by utilizing various advanced information and communication technologies, is emerging. Not only in Korea, but also in the U.S., EU, Japan, and China, the government is pushing for measures to foster the smart healthcare industry, and medical industries such as existing hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are also entering new businesses in collaboration with ICTcompanies.

Decentralized Finance
Cryptocurrency wallets are the most basic means of interacting with blockchain networks.
Find a new value and store it in a health wallet and it will connect you to a new world.
Cognitive function content platform
It is a smart device that can provide education, fun, and prevention by utilizing cognitive function improvement content.
Games, recreation, Self-diagnosis, and education can be used together by one to four people sitting at a smart table.

Indoor sports
Smart devices
The exer home is an indoor running exercise device. You can do aerobic exercise indoors without going outside. You can enjoy game content together by connecting with smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.
Token Distribution
Name : Vres
Symbol : VRS
Protocol : Klaytn
Total supply : 2,500,000,000 VRS
Contract : 0x402eeef1a50695b3cce1cb748cead2013c4dfa1e






Baek Chang Yeol
Department of Environmental Health, Korea University
MBA of Sungkyunkwan University
Imagination power plant, Director

Oh Hae Suk
CSK Securities (Japan)
Hitachi SI (Japan)
Alba Heaven
Coinbit, Qbit, BitFriends, Bittrade
Cryptocurrency Exchange System
Blockchain-based foreign job matching service ‘Ilson’
Uptalk, a blockchain-enabled contactless work service

Lee Sang Bong
Doctoral Program in Technology Business Policy, Pusan National University
Master of Technology Business Policy, Pusan National University
CEO of Global Soft Consulting
CEO of ProMtechnology

Baek Jae Ho
PurpleWave Partners CEO
VRESCUBE General manager
The Loupe travel agency Team manager
RASKALAND Team manager

Lee Gyeong Mi
KBS Music Bank Voting App Service
KBS Immortal Songs Voting App
Broadcasting application service
KBS popularity live voting app service
Various homepage production and app service development

Jonghwan Lee
Korea Cancer Center Hospt
Seoul Soo Medicine Hospital
Acquisition of a specialist in internal medicine
Acquisition of Digestive Endoscopic Detail Specialist

Anjela Joe
Hallym Univ. Medical Center
Chung-Ang University Hospital
Yonsei University Severance Hospital

Mangyo Jeong
Department of Electrical Engineering at Ulsan University
modern precision Ltd.
Samsung Aviation Industry Ltd.
CEO of KJ Innovation


Introducing the road map
🌈Introducing the road map 👍
2025 Q1
Started selling VRS token mining products
2024 Q4
Health data streaming mining system officially opened
VRS token mining begins
2024 Q3
Beta testing health data streaming mining system
2024 Q2
Whitepaper 3.0 ver publication
Developing a health data streaming mining system
2024 Q1
Change representative team members
2023 Q1
Beta test of Health data collection rewad service
2022 Q4
Health Wallet 1.0 ver, mobile wallet service open
Beta test of Happy table/tablet reward service
2022 Q3
Health data system development begins

Introduce the VRES Health Point project.
Hi, I’m Verry from the VRES Health point project.
This article introduces VRES. I have been thinking about the present VRES and the future VRES. We wish many users to join us.

What is the current health care blockchain?
I posted about what projects are currently underway on the #healthcare #blockchain. More projects are still being made, but I hope that everyone will work hard to complete the great service. Our #VRS Project will also do our best to create a service.

What is VRS Health Point? #Last
Description of VRS Project and Health Point Platform
Hi I’m Verry from #VRS. I’m about to finish the first part. Well organized and prepared! Hope you have a good time 🙂

What is VRS Health Point? #3
Hello, I’m Verry from VRS.
Today, I would like to talk about “blockchain” and “virtual currency.”

What is VRS Health Point? #2
Hello, I’m Verry from VRS! We will organize keywords that represent the 4th industry and develop the VRS project. Please look forward to the VRS Project and learn its value through the community.

What is VRS Health Point? #1
Hello, I’m Verry from VRS! Our team is trying to find new values using various technologies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which took place for the 4th time since the 1st Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.